Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Today I was 146. This makes me happy. I felt like such a zombie all day though because i'd fasted for 2 days. I've ended up going to the gym tonight and burning around 400 - and I've eaten a small apple and a tiny bowl of soup, so around 200 max, more than likely less. I LOVE freedom. I can finally get myself into negative net every day. 7 pounds. 10 days. leeeeeeeGO.

Slight worry that I'll still feel fat at 139 - i feel huge at the moment. I keep putting my bikini on and wondering around the flat to try and make myself feel more comfortable in it. But I cant even look at myself in it. How did I live my life at 158?

I went on the wi-fit today, just because i was bored and wanted something to play on to keep me from going into a lack of food/energy nap. I haven't been on it for over a year but when i measured my weight it said I'd lost a pound since i'd last been on. So basically, over the last year I managed to put a stone on without even fucking realising - I make myself sick.

Finally got around to putting up a picture. But gotta long way to go. I've also realised while I was in the gym that hate my bum. it's so big.


EDIT: okay i removed the pictures. I was just too paranoid. Don't know what i'm going to be like on a beach. shitting myself.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure your looking after yourself <3 Your doing great :) Keep going xx
