Thursday, 26 January 2012

dreams of underweight.

So I've just worked out my BMI is currently 19.9. I feel sick. I remember when I used to have scales that used to automatically count your weight and body fat - this was when I was a lot younger and thinner. They used to always tell me underweight. I bet if i stepped on them now they'd say obese.

I've worked out that in order to get back into the BMI of underweight I need to be 136 - with a BMI of 18.4. So that is my next goal. I know that it won't be possible to lose 11 pounds in the next 10 days. And then (i bet) i'll come back off holiday really fat. So who knows when I'll reach it. But if it's not by the end of February I'll be mad.

So I still have 7 pounds to lose in 10 days. I need advise on how to do it PLEASE. I'm begging you. Any advice/tips/motivation will be amazing.

I found some tablets in my draw called LipoBind the other day. From what i gathered they're to do with fat binding in the food you eat - so apparently out of what you eat only 60% of the calories affect you, the rest are 'binded'. Some woman on the forum wrote something about how she was now allowed a McDonalds because it was 40% less fat.... er NO!! Does anyone know if these are even worth taking if I'm not really eating, or if i do eat it's minimum 200 calories a day? Or can anyone recommend anything else i can get, preferably from a drug store cause I dont have time for internet buying!

lovelovelove xxxxxxx

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