Friday, 6 January 2012


So. I've put on a pound. I have no idea why. Yesterday, I ate a few grapes, soup for dinner and 2 cups of coffee... 300 calories.

At a major low today. If my body carries on like this then I definitely won't meet my first target.

What am I doing wrong?????


  1. Have you done any exercise? Hm... your body may be at a plateau.... Otherwise, maybe it's "that" time of the month soon... Hopefully tomorrow you'll have lost 2lbs to make up for it! If not, try a fast maybe? :-)
    Don't give up though girly! You will reach your first target! I have faith in you!
    Stay strong!

  2. Exercise sweetie :) It really helps, push ups and crunches? Or you may of reached a plateau...your body is holding onto fat storage because now your not eating hardly anything, keep going! You can do this, following back xx :)

  3. Yeah I exercised - but obviously not enough by the looks of things. Heading to the gym in a bit though so hopefully I will be down tomorrow!
