Saturday, 7 January 2012


152 again today... but no weight loss in a few days is bugging me. Must step up on the exercise.

Today has been okay, had to start revision for my exams so i've been pretty busy. Its now 6pm and I've just had a handful of grapes and a soy latte because I started getting dizzy. It's amazing how much my stomach has shrank. Normally I'd eat a whole bag of grapes as a little snack or something - now i could hardly manage a handful for the whole day.. and now im sitting here bloated and full. I hate this feeling. Seriously considering purging to get rid of it.

Uni exams are coming up... I'm currently in the library (hence the title). I've gotta spend the next 3 weeks revising/doing exams. I can't concentrate though. I just want them to be over so I have more free time.

I bought some rice cakes... thanks to everyone who recommended :D Just got the cheapo diet ones though that taste a bit shit! Will probs go and get some snack-a-jacks tomorrow instead!!

Calorie total for today is about 250... if i don't eat anything else. Net cal should be lower.

How's everyones days been?


Update: ended up eating 6 of those fucking rice cakes. I should not let myself near to snack food.

1 comment:

  1. Don't purge it :( Just work it off :) Then just try to restrict as much as possible :) And yay for the snack-a-jacks :D Told you they were good ;) Sour cream and chive ones are tasty! xx
